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donating love

Supporting local charities is an excellent way to make a positive impact. From strengthening the local community and helping out others to feeling a sense of fulfillment, your donations go so much farther than you might realize.

At Staffing With Love, we’re proud to be a local 501(c)(3) nonprofit that has witnessed the power of charitable giving firsthand. Donations enable us to find caregivers and volunteers for adults with special needs in Jones County, IA, but that’s just the beginning. Continue reading to learn more and find out what your donations can do!

confident woman with special needs

Staffing With Love is a small nonprofit staffing company that is making a big impact on the lives of adults with special needs in Jones County, IA. By staffing caregivers and volunteers who exemplify love and compassion, we strive to improve the quality of life for special needs individuals in meaningful ways. In this blog, we will explore four key ways in which Staffing With Love personnel are making a difference.

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At Staffing With Love, our dedication to enriching the lives of individuals like our founder’s son, Billy, extends beyond mere caregiving; it's about creating opportunities for fulfillment and joy. Through a diverse array of activities, Billy's journey exemplifies the transformative power of engagement and inclusion in the special needs community.

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Are you searching for a long-term career that combines compassion with personal fulfillment? Look no further than Staffing With Love, a reputable caregiver staffing agency in Jones County, IA, specializing in providing care for special needs adults. Join our dedicated caregiver team today and embark on a rewarding journey.

caring staff member for disabled adults

Discover the heart and mission behind Staffing With Love, a caregiver staffing agency in Jones County, IA, that is dedicated to providing exceptional care for special needs adults. With a deep understanding of special needs adult care, we strive to create a positive and nurturing environment where each individual can flourish.

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Living in a community where people support each other is something we all long for. When we contribute to local charities, we not only make a positive impact on those in need but also help create a more caring and compassionate society. Staffing With Love, a caregiver staffing agency located in the heart of Jones County, IA, is dedicated to providing special needs care with unmatched passion and commitment. In this blog, we'll explore the top reasons why supporting local charities — like Staffing With Love — can truly make a difference.

caregiver with special needs adult

Are you looking for a career path that allows you to make a profound difference in someone's life? If so, then private caregiver jobs might be the perfect fit for you. At Staffing With Love, we are dedicated to finding compassionate caregivers who can provide exceptional in-home care for the special needs community in Jones County, IA. Join us on this journey as we uncover the qualities that make someone a perfect fit for these rewarding positions.


Welcome to our site! We are in the process of building our blog page and will have many interesting articles to share in the coming months. Please stay tuned to this page for information to come. And if you have any questions about our business or want to reach out to us, we would love for you to stop by our contact page.

Thank you!
